Aug. 2 primary election COPE Endorsements


Following are the COPE endorsements for the Aug. 2 primary election recommended by area labor clubs and approved by the Greater St. Louis Labor Council and the COPE endorsements approved by the Missouri AFL-CIO executive board. Incumbents are marked with an asterisk (*).

This list originally appeared in the July 28 edition of the St. Louis Labor Tribune.



  1. I was hired 9/23/15@ $10.00 p.h. 3 1/2 months later they decided to hire Certified Medical Techs. Which I was and also insulin certified. I gave all certificates to them and were copied and put in my file. The Director of nursing said she didn’t know I was a med. tech. But checked my file and my pay went up to $12.00 per hour. When I asked shouldn’t I have gotten that from the day I was hired like the other med. Techs. That were just hired and all she wanted to know was where I heard that. When I told her another Med. Tech. That you just hired, she told me the girl didn’t know what she was talking about. I’ve had to file exempt just to pay bills. Shouldn’t I be entitled to that back pay for those 3 months? Thank you for your time in this matter.


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