Union Station Hotel workers seek to organize with UNITE HERE 74

UNION STATION employees celebrate their organizing declaration with Congresswoman Cori Bush (second from right) at the Missouri Democratic Party’s Truman Dinner. – UNITE HERE 74 photo

Workers at St. Louis Union Station Hotel have filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board seeking an election to organize with UNITE HERE 74, the move would organize hotel clerks, house keepers, cooks, bartenders, maintenance and other workers under the UNITE HERE banner.

Workers also presented their petition to hotel management on Sept. 10, accompanied by Sen. Doug Beck (D-Affton), a member of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562 and president of the Missouri Building & Construction Trades Council.

Local 74’s Krystal George said hotel management “stated they would remain neutral during the election,” but has already begun delivering anti-union messages to workers.

HELPING OUT State Sen. Doug Beck (D-Affton), a member of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562 and president of the Missouri State Building & Construction Trades Council (third from left), accompanied workers as they presented their letter of intention to organize to Union Station Hotel management. – UNITE HERE 74 management

But George noted “St. Louis City Mayor Tishuara Jones, Senator Beck and U.S. Congresswoman Cori Bush all stated that they 100 percent support the workers here at Union Station.”

That evening at the Missouri Democratic Party’s Truman Dinner held at the hotel, Congresswoman Bush stated:

“I just want to say over this microphone that this place where we’re sitting, where money from Democrats that support unions is spent that unions built this country. Working folks built this country.

“Whatever may have happened (here) that may not have been in favor of our folks that want to unionize, we’ll just say that tomorrow will be a different day. Tomorrow must be a different day, because we won’t stand for our workers being pushed aside, our workers being overlooked, our workers being neglected. We won’t stand for folks not being able to make the wage that they deserve. We won’t stand for workers not being respected, especially not while I’m in office. All of us will be watching on their promise to be neutral.”



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