UFCW Local 655 member Teressa Hester testifies against ‘confusing, complicated and deceitful’ RTW bills


Teressa Hester, a member of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 655, employed at the Shop ’n Save in Ferguson, provided moving testimony in the Missouri Senate about how her union job with good pay and good benefits helped her get off of public assistance, provide a stable home for her daughter and buy her own house – all things that would be threatened if Missouri passes right-to-work.

“This bill is confusing,” Hester said. “It’s complicated and deceitful. This will hurt working families across the board. We really shouldn’t be here talking about right-to-work. We should be here talking about creating jobs, increasing the minimum wage and investing in education and infrastructure. We shouldn’t be here talking about right-to-work.”

By crushing unions – the ultimate goal of the legislation – right-to-work would make workplaces less safe, weaken workers’ rights and take away their ability to be heard, Hester said.

“I sleep better at night knowing that I have great benefits, better working conditois and great health care, and a voice that someone will hear,” Hester said. “UFCW has made that possible.”


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