AFL-CIO launches major ad campaign urging passage of the PRO Act

‘It shouldn’t be this hard just to get by’

The AFL-CIO launched a seven-figure television, radio and digital ad campaign last week promoting the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act across Alaska, Arizona, Virginia and West Virginia. Digital ads are running nationwide, urging constituents to contact their senators in support of the PRO Act.

“We’re taking nothing for granted,” said AFL-CIO spokesperson John Weber. “The PRO Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to give working people a stronger voice on the job. We’re making sure the Senate hears us loud and clear by reminding Americans of what they already know: It shouldn’t be this hard just to get by.”

The advertising campaign was aligned with a national week of action, from April 26 to May 1, mobilizing working people to demand Senate passage of the landmark worker rights bill.

The radio ads feature personal testimonials from working people in each state, highlighting the need to strengthen the right to form or join a union.

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