Anti-worker Republicans offer new phony ‘right-to-work’ bills, ignoring will of voters yet again

New study highlights another reason RTW is terrible law for workers

Publisher Emeritus


Two laws proposing to make Missouri a so-called “right-to-work (for less)” (RTW) state were introduced by anti-worker Republicans on the first day of the current term (Jan. 4), once again ignoring the will of Missouri voters who overwhelming rejected RTW in 2018 that we don’t want this phony, anti-worker law.

While these astute Republicans were introducing RTW and several other anti-worker laws, yet another new, just released report from Wallet Hub shows how this law is devastating to workers on yet another level – job resignations.

Workers in the RTW states are resigning or quitting their jobs in excruciatingly high numbers compared to worker in the free state where there is no phony RTW law. It’s clear that without union representation, workers have little choice but to endure what management dishes out, and that, among other reasons, encourages workers to quit when they finally get fed up.

This new Wallet Hub study provides yet another example that workers in RTW states are more exposed to the whims of their bosses: “People are leaving their jobs voluntarily as a protest against current working conditions,” noted MIT Professor Emerita Lotte Bailyn.

WITH RTW: 19 of the top 25 “worst’ states – 76 percent – with the highest resignation rates are RTW states.
WITHOUT RTW: Only six of the “worst” states – 24 percent – are states without a RTW law that have high resignation rates.

WITHOUT RTW: 17 states – 68 percent – with the lowest resignation rates are states without a RTW law.
WITH RTW: only eight states – 32 percent – with the lowest resignation rates are RTW states.

Tragically, Missouri ranks 24th in the top 25 “worst” states with a higher resignation rate. It does not fare well in any of our previous reports.

Just the opposite, as has been the case in our continuing series on the impact of RTW, Illinois consistently fares better than Missouri, ranking 42nd of the 50 states with a lower resignation rate.

While a number of factors are considered in this report, the impact RTW states aggressively passing laws to prevent unionization plays a strong role. Without unions to fight for workers’ rights, the experts point out why there are high resignation rates in RTW states:

  • Lower Wages: “The lower wage schedule, especially in service, has to do with unpredictable schedules which create confusion and an inability to plan for childcare or any other responsibilities a person has.
  • Workloads: “…unsustainable workload, lack of opportunity for advancement, and poor leadership are all reasons why employees resign.” Benjamin Biermeier-Hanson, Ph.D., assistant professor, Radford University.
  • Expendable workers: “…if employers would consider their workforce not as interchangeable commodities but as unique individuals with skills and talents they can benefit from, given conditions that recognize their value and provide them with respect and voice.” Lotte Bailyn – professor emerita, MIT.
  • Breaking point: “At some point, employees reach a breaking point.” Wayne Hochwarter – professor, Florida State University.

WalletHub considered the rate at which people quit their jobs in both the latest month and the last 12 months based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The study is part of the ongoing research efforts of WalletHub, a financial services site based in Washington D.C. that also offers insights on a diverse variety of subjects. Its reports are frequently referenced in news articles appearing in Bloomberg News, The Wall Street Journal, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Fox News, USA Today, Forbes, Yahoo and The New York Times.

Yet another example of why our votes have consequences

“This is yet another example why this phony law is bad for all Missourians who work for a living rather than depend on stock dividends. And yet, an overwhelming majority of anti-worker legislators continue to ignore the will of workers who have already soundly rejected this phony law at the ballot box,” said St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White.

“When you look at this new effort to push RTW down our throats, and the other anti-worker, anti-union laws that have again been introduced in this session without regard to the impact on workers, when will voters understand that their votes have consequences that can, and already have, hurt them?”


First two anti-worker bills

The first two major anti-worker “right-to-work (for less) bills introduced in the first day of the Missouri legislature by anti-worker Republicans are:

  • Freeloader bill – SB 54 – “Under this act, employers are barred from requiring employees to become or refrain from becoming a member of a labor organization or pay dues or other charges required of labor organization members as a condition of employment.” Sponsor: Sen. Jason Bean (R-Popular Bluff)
    In plain English: non-union workers get the benefits of the union contract without have to pay a cent to create, and enforce it.
  • Buyer Beware Bill – SB 80 – (Excerpt) … No political subdivision may require the employees of a statewide licensed mechanical contractor or its subcontractors or manufacturers’ representatives to obtain journeymen licenses, apprenticeship licenses, or occupational licenses that require passing any examination or any special requirements to assess proficiency. Sponsor: Sen. Nick Schroer (R Wright City)
    In plain English: a great scab workers bill that says no county, school board, etc., in an effort to ensure spending taxpayer’s money “efficiently,” can require a contractor’s workers be trained in a recognized training program like a union apprenticeship which certifies quality, thus allowing anyone off the street to work at highly technical jobs without proving their skills. And the buying public pays the price of shoddy work.


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