BUD program coordinator Aurora Bihler selected to attend Tradeswomen Building Bridges delegation in London


Aurora Bihler, program coordinator for the Missouri Works Initiative’s Building Union Diversity (BUD) program in St. Louis, has been selected as a delegate for the Tradeswomen Building Bridges delegation in London.

Bihler, an officer on the Iron Workers Local 396 Examining Committee, joined BUD last October. She also serves as recording secretary of the St. Louis City Labor Legislative Club, treasurer of the Missouri Democratic Party Labor Caucus and a member of the Coalition of Labor Union Women.

“Congratulations Aurora,” the Missouri Works Initiative announced on its Facebook page. “We are so proud of you for being selected to represent our team and your trade at the delegation in London.”

Bihler will be one of up to 50 delegates from North America who will represent the diversity of women working in construction. The event will be held June 11 to 21. Currently, women make up only one to two percent of trades workers in the United Kingdom.

Bihler said she is looking forward to the networking opportunities the trip will provide. The worker unionization rate in the United Kingdom is 23.7 percent. It’s just 11.6 percent in the United States.

“With those numbers, I can’t wait to ask questions and observe their practices,” Bihler said. “I’m also excited to meet other pre-apprentice coordinators to learn tips and best practices to bring back home for the BUD program.”

Delegates will visit construction sites and training centers across London and will meet with tradeswomen from the United Kingdom and Europe to discuss ways to create regional tradeswomen’s networks and promote greater international solidarity among women working in construction across the globe.

Additionally, the delegation will support the community struggle to create livable, sustainable and affordable housing and construct a women’s building on the site of the former Holloway Prison, the largest women’s prison in western London until it closed in 2016.

Applications are still being accepted for the London delegation at http://ow.ly/CrOB50HM5xa.

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