Donate to the $18 for ’18 campaign to help defeat RTW

The election to defeat “right-to-work” is just one year away.

Missouri workers delivered 310,567 signatures to place RTW on the ballot and ensure for the people, not greedy out-of-touch billionaires and CEOs, to decide. But the fight has just begun.

The Koch Brothers-funded Americans For Prosperity and other corporate-funded anti-worker groups are spending millions to defeat us. We need to get our message out to all Missourians why RTW is wrong for Missouri’s working families. We’ll win this campaign voter by voter, and you can help.

Donate to the “$18 for ’18” campaign to defeat RTW. You can donate online by visiting and clicking the red “Donate” button at the top of the page.

Or, if you prefer, you can mail your donation to:

We Are Missouri
227 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Your donation will help ensure working people have a voice in deciding whether Missouri will be another race to the bottom, union-busting RTW state or a place of good, safe jobs with fair wages, quality health care and the chance to retire with dignity.

Please donate today.

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