Eugene Scalia’s resume contains nothing that would make him a good Secretary of Labor

When Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned, the Trump administration could have nominated a replacement who respects working people and fights for our interests. Unfortunately, we got Eugene Scalia instead.

From threatening to decimate workers’ retirement savings to opposing health care expansion, Scalia has a long track record of bashing workers.

The AFL-CIO has put together a resume of all the years Scalia has spent making life worse for working families.

Take a look for yourself and, if this isn’t someone you would hire for the job, sign the online petition rejecting Scalia’s nomination for Secretary of Labor.


Union-busting lawyer seeking new opportunities to ruthlessly advance corporate interests. Specialties include eroding labor rights, unraveling consumer protections, endangering Americans’ retirement security and blaming a worker for her own death.



  • Eliminated the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, freeing investors to pocket money at the expense of working people’s retirement accounts.
  • Sued the government repeatedly on behalf of big banks to unravel Dodd–Frank consumer protection rules.
  • Defended UPS against widespread discrimination claims, killing a major class action lawsuit filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Advocated for Walmart and other large corporations to not have to contribute to their own employees’ health care plans.
  • Represented casino mogul Steve Wynn when he was accused of stealing tips from his Las Vegas employees.
  • Championed Boeing’s decision to move jobs to a “right-to-work” state over union members’ objections.
  • Argued that SeaWorld had no responsibility for the violent death of one of its orca trainers, blaming the deceased victim instead.


  • Hired by President George W. Bush through a recess appointment after being deemed too extreme for the job by the U.S. Senate.


  • Yes, that Bill Barr.


  • Started by putting words to paper for President Ronald Reagan’s viciously anti-union education secretary.


  • Shamed and berated a sexual harassment survivor to tears.
  • Attacked attempts to improve physical working conditions; dismissed ergonomics as “junk science”; and warned that companies might be forced to “give more rest periods, slow the pace of work and then hire more workers.”


“Eugene Scalia has spent his entire career making life more difficult and dangerous for working people.” — AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

“President Trump has again chosen someone who has proven to put corporate interests over those of worker rights.” — Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.)


The Secretary of Labor needs to be a true advocate for working people, a fair arbiter who listens to workers and respects the deliberative process. The Labor Department’s work is essential to protecting America’s working people and should be subject to less influence from corporate lobbyists, not more. Scalia’s views are dangerously outside the mainstream.

Take action to reject his nomination by signing the online petition at


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