GCS supports United Way

GCS CREDIT UNION employees and directors in Granite City recently made a combined $34,107 donation to the United Way.

Granite City, IL – The employees of GCS Credit Union recently made their United Way pledge for 2022.

This year, GCS went above and beyond expectations. Employees pledged a total of $17,053. The Board of Directors will match the pledged amount and GCS will make a total donation of $34,107.

The United Way’s mission is to, “improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.” With support from the community, United Way helps families and individuals put food on the table, stay safe in their homes, get connected to mental health resources and more.

GCS supports numerous charitable organizations each year, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Partners for Pets, and the Greater St. Louis Honor Flight.

To find out more about GCS, visit myGCScu.com or call 618-797-7993.

The United Way has been a key national partner of Labor for nearly 80 years.

Through a network of Labor Liaisons, the AFL-CIO and United Way of Greater St. Louis have worked for decades to meet the community’s needs.

Through the United Way’s partnership with the St. Louis Labor Council, Madison County Federation of Labor and Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council, more than 600 families receive confidential help each year from the organization’s staff of Labor liaisons.

To help the United Way reach its goals, checks can be made payable to the United Way and mailed to the St. Louis Labor Council, 3301 Hollenberg Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044. They will be submitted to the United Way Campaign via the Labor Engagement Department.


Any union member needing assistance with utility payments, food counseling and other non-work-related problems can call the United Way Labor Help Line at 314-539-4189.

For more information about the United Way Labor Engagement Department, contact Sonja Gholston-Byrd at sonjagbyrd@stl.unitedway.org or Rose McCowan at rose.mccowan@stl.unitedway.org.

The Parking Spot

One Comment

  • Donate to the united way they helped me with application fees for an apartment . So they do help the community and the poor to try and get on there feet. Thank you United Way. 😊😃😄


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