Illinois Rep. Hoffman named an honorary fire fighter in response to his strong support for unions

HONORARY FIRE FIGHTER: State Representative Jay Hoffman (third from left) is presented with an axe Oct. 6 recognizing his honorary member status with Belleville Firefighters Local 53. – IAFF Local 53 photo

Belleville, IL – State Rep. Jay Hoffman (D-Swansea) has been named an honorary member of the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 53, based out of Belleville, Ill.

Hoffman said he was grateful for “this incredible honor.”

“The members of Local 53 are there for our community each and every day,” Hoffman said. “I’ve always valued the feedback and engagement from Local 53 on issues facing first responders and community safety. Their expertise and feedback have been essential in policymaking in Springfield, and it’s critical that lawmakers continue to have their back.”

Last month Hoffman joined U.S. Rep. Nikki Budzinski and state House candidate Nick Raftopoulos supporting the steelworkers at U.S. Steel’s Granite City plant that are currently facing layoffs as the company idles its last blast furnace.

In the legislature, Hoffman has advocated for workforce training hubs, safety precautions for commercial drivers, economic programs for Labor-friendly development, creating a task force for worker safety following the Edwardsville tornado, and was a strong advocate for the Workers Rights Amendment placing the right to bargain collectively in the Illinois State Constitution. He was also praised for advocating a budget that supports training and equipment upgrades for fire departments across the state.


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