Impact of Labor on national, local elections topic of annual Federation scholarship contest

East Alton, IL – The Greater Madison County Federation of Labor will award scholarships to winning essay writers in the 27th annual John A. Broyer/Jack Greer Memorial Scholarship Award competition, to be held April 4.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. on March 27. The Federation will award up to two scholarships of up to $1,500 each for the best essays. Applicants, or one of their parents, grandparents or legal guardians, must be a member of a union affiliated with the Federation.

This year’s topic is, “How has Organized Labor impacted national and local elections over the years and why is it important for Organized Labor to be involved in national and local elections?”

Applicants will be given three hours to write their essays, beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 4 at the Machinists Hall at 161 Shamrock St. in East Alton.

Applicants can bring their own writing utensils and dictionaries but are not allowed to bring computers, notes, cell phones, articles, books or other reference materials. Each essay is limited to five pages.

“This is probably one of the toughest scholarships to earn,” said Paul Schaefer of UFCW Local 881, Edwardsville, who chairs the Federation’s education committee. “I think the people who participate do earn it.”

He noted that unlike some other scholarships, the money is not sent directly to a school; the students decide how to use it – for tuition, housing, books or expenses, for instance.

Also new this year is that the student can use the money to attend an approved union trade program instead of a college or university.

Union locals in the Federation have copies of the application form, or students can obtain an application by contacting Schaefer at 618-692-6400. The completed form will need a signature and stamp from a local union official.


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