Jobs with Justice establishes Worker Solidarity Fund to help workers who aren’t getting paid

Working people from all walks of life are out-of-work and struggling to make ends meet, and without paid leave or health care, many are grappling with impossible questions about how to pay the rent or put food on the table.

In as little as three weeks, millions of us who have had the opportunity of working-from-home will receive stimulus payments for financial hardship experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While some of us may need that money, the cash could make a huge difference for our friends and neighbors — folks in the hospitality, restaurant, retail, and many other industries — who are not getting paid.

Jobs with Justice, working with leaders from the most impacted sectors have launched the Jobs With Justice Worker Solidarity Fund to provide direct financial assistance to workers and give unemployed people space to organize and build power long term.

Jobs with Justice is asking those who can afford it to donate ALL or PART of their stimulus payment to working people suffering incredible hardships during this crisis, many of whom are the very same people who have long been exploited by structural racism and other systems of exploitation designed to prevent working people from receiving a fair share of the money generated by their own labor. Jobs with Justice is also using this opportunity to reach out to and help organize workers to demand better of their employers.

Any money you contribute will support affected workers who need help right now — giving them the power they need to continue to demand better of corporations and help slow down the spread of the Coronavirus.

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