Krey Distributing, Grey Eagle Distributors host Bud Light Happy Hour in salute to Labor


Just in time for Labor Day, Krey Distributing and Grey Eagle Distributors hosted a Bud Light Happy Hour in support of St. Louis Labor on Aug. 31. The event, hosted at the distribution warehouses in Fenton and St. Peters, included free beer, food and giveaways – including free cases of Bud Light to take home for the Labor Day Weekend.

Pat White, president of the St. Louis Labor Council, noted Anheuser-Busch (A-B) is the only union brewed and delivered beer in the St. Louis area.

“It’s made union, bottled union, delivered union. Everything about A-B is union,” White said before the event. “This is the only union beer out there.”

“We’re celebrating Labor,” Steven Busch, president of Krey Distributing in St. Peters said in promoting the event. “We are a union shop here. We just want to say to our friends in Labor, ‘Thank you for your support,’ and thanks to our friends who have supported us through the years.”

Bud Light suffered a decline in sales earlier this year following an incident on social media, but by the size of the crowds of union members freshly off work who turned out for the happy hours at Krey Distributing and the Grey Eagle Distributors facility in Fenton the message was clear: It’s all about the beer.

“My guys that I talk with, none of them stopped drinking Bud Light because of that dust up on social media,” said John Stiffler, executive secretary-treasurer of the St. Louis Building and Construction Trades Council. “We drink Bud Light because we like the taste. It’s brewed union. it’s delivered union and they do union work. This whole facility was union built.”

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