Labor and Lowe’s come to the rescue for Arnold Food Pantry

CLASS PROJECT: Painters and Allied Trades District Council 2 apprentices resealed the roof of the Arnold Food Pantry and Thrift Store as part of their training.
CLASS PROJECT: Painters and Allied Trades District Council 2 apprentices resealed the roof of the Arnold Food Pantry and Thrift Store as part of their training.

Arnold, Mo. – Jefferson County’s labor unions have been steadfast supporters of the Arnold Food Pantry and Thrift Store.

When the pantry and thrift store moved to a new location new location at 2024 Key West Drive in 2012, local unions donated more than $280,000 worth of labor, cash and coordinated donations of materials from their affiliate contractors to renovate the former warehouse distribution center for the pantry and thrift store.

When the metal roof of the building, which was not replaced at the time of the renovation due to cost considerations, began leaking water into the building, the unions and Lowe’s stepped up again:

• Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 Business Agent Tom Leonard made arrangements for union volunteers in preparation for repairs.

• Painters and Allied Trades District Council 2 Business Agent Dave Doerr made arrangements for Painters’ apprentices to use resealing the roof a class project.

• Arnold Lowe’s Commercial Services Representative Bryan Lindsey provided all the material needed at 50 percent off the retail price.

The Arnold Food Pantry is the largest non-denominational food distribution center in the St. Louis area that receives no government funding.

The pantry services residents of Arnold, Imperial and unincorporated Fenton, providing food and personal care items to about 150 families a week – all without any money from city, county, state or federal sources.

To volunteer, or to donate to the pantry’s efforts, visit or call the food pantry at (636) 467-5959 for more information.

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