Labor Law Breakfast Feb. 14 to address secondary activity in negotiations, organizing drives

Secondary activity, such as picketing, bannering and hand-billing directed toward a company’s supplier or customers, can be a highly effective way to put pressure on an employer during negotiations or an organizing drive. However, the laws are complex and if not followed correctly, could subject a union to significant liability.

Michael Evans, an attorney with Hartnett Gladney Hetterman, L.L.C., will review the dos and don’ts of secondary activity at the Feb. 14 Labor Law Breakfast at IBEW Local 1439 Hall, 2121 59th St., in St. Louis. Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m., followed by the presentation from 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Evans represents labor unions and multi-employer fringe benefit funds. He has represented labor unions in a wide variety of matters, including arbitration, litigation, collective bargaining, picketing/work stoppages, organizing and National Labor Relations Board charges.

The Labor Law Breakfast Series, sponsored by the University of Missouri Extension St. Louis County, is held on the second Wednesday of each month. The cost is $20 per person (if the $200 annual fee has not been paid) and may be paid at breakfast.

To pay beforehand, make checks payable to St. Louis County Extension Council and mail to University of Missouri Extension, 132 E Monroe, St. Louis, MO 63122. For more information or to register, contact Doug Swanson at or at 314-400 -7635.

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