Labor pledges support as Florissant breaks ground on all-inclusive playground


NORTH COUNTY LABOR CLUB President Fred Searcy (third from left), Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562, St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White (fourth from left) joined with city of Florissant dignitaries, including Mayor Tim Lowery (center) for a groundbreaking ceremony for the city’s new all-inclusive playground. – Labor Tribune photo

Florissant After a dozen years of planning, the city of Florissant broke ground last week on North St. Louis County’s first all-inclusive playground, and Labor stood with city officials and Accessible Play organizers offering support.

Though the 9,000-square-foot accessible playground is set to open in July, precise construction plans have not been determined.

Pat White, president of the St. Louis Labor Council and Fred Searcy, president of the North County Labor Club, said the Labor community stands ready to support the project and will help in any way needed.

“We’re going to do what we can,” said White. “These playgrounds are wonderful resources for children and veterans with disabilities, and we are happy to help the city of Florissant reach its goals. The more funds and volunteers received, the more the playground can be enhanced.”

Searcy, director of Minority Recruitment for Plumbers and Pipefitters 562, said Labor Club members and the Labor community came together to build an all-inclusive playground in the city of Ferguson recently, and it was installed in one day.

“We never have any trouble getting skilled Union tradesmen and women to volunteer for worthwhile causes,” Searcy said. “When plans are finalized, we will keep everyone informed through the Labor Tribune, on our Facebook page and through other Social Media.”

Florissant Mayor Tim Lowery said plans to transform the city’s Manion Park began in 2008 with well-known Florissant resident Gary Behlmann, whose daughter, Angie, had special needs.

“Gary was passionate about seeing the all-inclusive park come to fruition, but he and his daughter have both passed away,” Lowery said.

The playground named “Angie’s Inclusive Playground at Manion Park,” will have a “flower power” theme, using a custom floral design and accessible equipment from Little Tikes Commercial.

The playground will include a colorful play area for children of all abilities to learn and grow together, said Unlimited Play Project Manager Jim Vollmer. Manion Park is located on seven acres off of Graham Road in Florissant. It includes a lighted multipurpose court, a pavilion, and comfort station.

The city has received grants to pay for the project.

“It’s going to give kids of all ages an opportunity to utilize this special playground in North St. Louis County,” Lowery said. “Anyone can use it, people from throughout the county, and it gives kids with disabilities a chance to play and interact with other children.”

Florissant-based Accessible Play, Inc. has partnered with Unlimited Play and the City of Florissant to make that dream a reality.

If you’d like to help, donations can be sent to Accessible Play, Inc., P.O. Box 766 Florissant, MO 63033.

For more information on the organization and available playgrounds, visit or

One Comment

  • I am looking for Mary O. Holley. Please contact me at 618-213-7202. My name is Cynthia and I’m looking for leads that might identify the SLU endowment benefactors. I’ve scoured the internet-to no avail and contacted SLU- received no response. It seems to be a well guarded secret. I have damaging information about SLU patient care, combined with unethical and possibly felonious practices I personally experienced. I purposefully waited to confront them until the statutes, that gave me recourse, had expired. Not being litigious, in nature, I did not seek money, but a positive change in hospital policy, which I found to be a productive avenue. I didn’t know how bad it was until after that deadline, anyway. I’ve tried to treat SLU with deference, as not to harm the reputation of an institution, that so many rely on. I was wrong, but it might not be too late to help future patients to be spared. I also plan to lobby the MO. House, on behalf of patients who have suffered losses, at the hands of medical experts in MO. They should have recourse. From the other side, it seemed, even to me, that medical malpractice caps were a safeguard against fraud and exploitation. Having lived through that abuse, I now see the ramifications, of which I could’ve never imagined, and wish to make a difference that restores recourse for those victims. It just seems that the removal of threats of lawsuits would serve as encouragement to blur the lines of medical ethics. Thank you for your consideration.


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