Labor Tribune recognized for labor communications

ILCA Awards
HONORED FOR EXCELLENCE: Accepting 13 awards won by the Labor Tribune in the 2014 media contest sponsored by the International Labor Communications Association (top photo) are Publisher Ed Finkelstein (right) and Editor Tim Rowden. – ILCA photo
IBEW LOCAL 1 Communications Specialist John Moyle (bottom photo) won four awards. The awards were presented in a ceremony in Washington D.C. – ILCA photo

The Labor Tribune won 13 awards in the annual Media Awards Contest sponsored by the International Labor Communications Association (ILCA), the labor press arm for the AFL-CIO

John Moyle, IBEW Local 1 Communications Specialist John Moyle won four awards.

Also recognized were cartoonist Sean O’Conner, Sprinkler Fitters Local 268, for a cartoon created for the Labor Tribune; and Eastern Missouri Laborers District Council Business Manager Gary Elliott and Building & Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Aboussie for columns each wrote for the paper.

The Labor Tribune won six first place awards, five-second place awards and two third place awards.

Cited for their winning entries in the Labor Tribune were Editor Tim Rowden, Illinois Correspondent Carl Green, Special Correspondent Mary Ann Holley, retired Managing Editor Dana Spitzer, and Senior Reporter Kevin Madden.

The Labor Tribune tied with the with the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building & Construction Trades Council for the second highest number of awards won by any single organization, surpassed only the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International Union, which won 22.

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