Laborers 110 buys $111,815 Shop ‘n Save gift cards supporting Teamsters 688’s Schnucks boycott

BOYCOTT OF SCHNUCKS received yet another major boost when Laborers Local 110 purchased $111,815 worth of gift cards from Shop ‘n Save instead of their traditional source, Schnucks Markets, in support of the Teamsters Local 688 Schnucks boycott. Proudly displaying the gift cards to be distributed to retirees and union members are (from left) Secretary-Treasurer Rick Casson (with a copy of check for the cards), Office Manager Carole Meier, Retiree Club President Denny Fuchs (with a $5,885 check for $5 for the Fight) and Business Manager Don Willey. – Labor Tribune photo

$5 for the Fight to help union families a winner, too: $5,885



In an outstanding show of union solidarity, Laborers Local 110 has purchased $111,815 in food gift cards from Shop ‘n Save instead of Schnucks this year as a show of support of, and unity with, Teamsters Local 688’s boycott of Schnucks Markets for firing over 200 Teamster warehouse members, replacing them with scabs at the company’s new north County warehouse.

And in the process, the $5 for the Fight fund to help out-of-work union families will get a check for $5,885, the discount provided to Local 110 by Shop ‘n Save for the advance purchase of their gift cards.

The gift cards will be used in two distinct ways:

  • $75 cards will be distributed to retirees at their annual Christmas party being held Dec. 15 to help with their Christmas dinner needs.
  • $32 gift cards for members who pay all their monthly dues for 2017 in advance, thus providing them with one month’s free dues.

“The gift cards are a tradition at Local 110 and this year we are able to serve two other important purposes in addition to helping our retirees, helping a sister union in their fight for fairness for their members and helping out-of-work union families have a bit brighter Christmas Holiday with the $5 for the Fight donation,” said Local 110 Business Manager Don Willey.

And it doesn’t stop there. Local 110’s retirees have been collecting food all year at their meetings and it will be sorted, packaged and delivered to several local food banks, added Retiree Club President Denny Fuchs.

Once again, the spirit of trade unionism is shining brightly!

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