Laborers Local 110’s Jose Gomez appointed to International LIUNA Latino Caucus


Missouri Correspondent

Jose Gomez, Laborers Local 110 vice president and business agent, has been appointed to the executive board for the International LiUNA Latino Caucus.

Local 110 Business Manager Ronny Griffin said Gomez has always been a strong advocate for a diverse and inclusive work force especially when it comes to the construction industry here in the St. Louis region.

“Jose’s hard work and determination has not gone unnoticed by this Local and the Hispanic community, and he has now recognized by LiUNA’s Latino Caucus by being placed on their executive board,” Griffin said. “This local couldn’t be more proud of him.”

Gomez also serves as executive vice president on the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, a constituency group of the St. Louis Labor Council. He joined Local 110 in 2006 and has been the local’s first Latino to serve as business agent and vice president.

“It’s an honor to serve on the International board, but I don’t think it’s sunk in yet” Gomez said. “I was kind of surprised to be asked. I attended the LiUNA Leadership Conference in New York City, and the plane landed and I received a call from the caucus’ president asking that I join them at their meeting.

“I was able to meet with them and found out that I had been recommended for the position on the board by LIUNA Midwest Regional Manager and Vice president David Frye.”

The LiUNA Latino Caucus is made up of LiUNA members, both Latino and non-Latino, who believe that Latino workers are a key component of LiUNA’s current and future a membership. Its members come from every LiUNA region and hold a diversity of positions, from International vice presidents to local rank-and-file members.

The caucus creates a means of communication and cooperation among a geographically dispersed group of Laborers through meetings, events, website and its Facebook page. The group also helps Latinos and members of LiUNA run for political offices at the national and local level.

For more information on the caucus, visit


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