Laborers Local 955 calls out Wildcat Materials union busting

WALTER LANGDON, Wildcat Materials employee and Laborers Local 955 member, standing with a picket sign with his wife and child. Langdon and other workers at Wildcat Materials are calling out the company’s union-busting while they strike for a better contract. – Laborers Local 955 photo

Columbia, MO – Laborers (LiUNA) Local 955 members in Columbia, Mo. are calling out Wildcat Materials management’s refusal to bargain in good faith with workers. Management would rather hire strikebreakers with $3,000 sign on bonuses than simply bargain with three loyal employees.

Throughout negotiations, Wildcat Materials has failed to work with them on addressing their concerns in the workplace, including:

• Substandard wages. Its competitors make significantly more than Wildcat Materials workers and refuse to make any significant offers.

• Expensive insurance. In some cases, workers pay $200 a week for insurance – leading them to choose between necessary prescriptions and putting food on the table.

• Overtime be paid after eight hours of work in a single day rather than after 40 hours per week.

Wildcat Materials workers and other LiUNA members held a rally at Columbia City Hall on April 21 to bring attention to Wildcat Materials’ blatant union-busting.

“Wildcat Materials, and their parent company GMS, have been using out-of-state workers from Iowa and Oklahoma to break our strike,” said Andrew Hutchinson, union representative for Local 955. “Management would rather send money outside of our community than bargain with their loyal employees who have broken their backs for this company.”


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