Labor’s PRIDE on parade with Union participation


REPRESENTING EVERYONE IN OUR UNIONS is the point emphasized by a number of unions and the St. Louis Labor Council’s Diversity Committee, representing eight union groups that proudly marched in the June 26 PRIDE parade in downtown St. Louis. Despite the rain and the chill wind, the enthusiasm was palpable, from the parade participants and the thousands lining the parade route up Market Street.

The parade was part of the two-day PrideFest LGBTQIA Festival, the first in two years as a result of the pandemic cancellation. The first festival and parade was held in 1980, with the goal each year to raise understanding and acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) individuals in our community and our unions. The effort envisions a world where diversity can be celebrated and prejudice eradicated.  – Labor Tribune photos



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