Looking towards a better tomorrow


What a year it has been.

People we know and love have been impacted by that uncaring, indiscriminate virus that has taken lives, made people sick, put our frontline workers in our hospitals, grocery stores and pharmacies at risk, closed businesses, destroyed livelihoods, upended our kids’ education and their teachers’ and families’ well-being, and left people hungry, cold and more.

If you are like me, you are hopeful one or more of the vaccines will move us out of this healthcare horror. It will take time, testing and determination to distribute and help us conquer this virus.

There are lessons to be learned from all that has happened this past year.

Being safe from the virus is not an excuse to go back to a time when people are without healthcare. It is not a time to deny that Black Lives Matter, they do. And we are all responsible for ensuring that they do.

It is a time to take to heart that kindness, respect and truth are better ways forward. It is time to ensure the policies we put into place lift up middle and low-income families. It is a time to recognize that opportunities many of us have should be available to so many more Missourians, to give everyone their chance to access their American Dream.

This can and must be a time when we take stock of what we have and who we are.

We look at the fragility and transitory nature of life, and must ask ourselves, what greater good we can serve here on Earth? We all do this in our own ways. I am hopeful my way, and yours, help to make life better for someone else who can use our support.

The holidays and the New Year are always a time for reflection and for envisioning a better tomorrow. As you work toward the future you dream, I hope you’ll recognize me beside you. (I’ll be wearing a mask as long as is needed.)

Happy and healthy – today, tomorrow and beyond. To all of those celebrating, Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and Habari Gani. To all, a Happy and Healthy New Year!

With gratitude for the opportunity to serve.

Missouri Senator
24th District


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