McCaskill meets with Missouri IBEW members to discuss infrastructure

U.S. SENATOR CLAIRE McCASKILL met with Missouri IBEW members last week to discussing the importance of investing in infrastructure and standing up for Missouri workers.

Washington – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill met with representatives from the Missouri International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers locals last week to discuss the importance of investing in infrastructure and standing up for Missouri workers.

Attending the meeting were representatives from IBEW Local 53 and Local 124 from the greater Kansas City region, and IBEW Local 753 from the Springfield region.

“Hardworking Missourians are the backbone of a strong economy in our state,” McCaskill said. “I’m proud to stand with Missouri workers and fight to ensure they have well-paying jobs and good working conditions — and I was glad to meet with folks who know these issues inside and out so I can continue fighting for them here in Washington.”

McCaskill has been a longtime supporter of investing in Missouri’s infrastructure, and recently supported the bipartisan budget that resulted in a deal to invest $20 billion in infrastructure projects. McCaskill has also led efforts to claw back previously earmarked funds to ensure money is spent on critical infrastructure needs rather than on politicians’ pet projects. Her efforts allowed the Missouri Department of Transportation to direct $72.6 million of previously unspent funds across Missouri to support local needs.


McCaskill has been a strong advocate for Missouri workers and manufacturers.

In 2016, after urging from McCaskill on behalf of Bull Moose Tube Company and EXLTUBE, the International Trade Commission voted 4-2 to level the playing field for Missouri and U.S. manufacturers by finalizing duties against foreign steel pipe and tubing producers found to be illegally dumping in the international market.

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