ONE MAN’S VIEW: Does Congresswoman Wagner live on this planet?

What planet does Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-2nd Dist.) live on?

In her March 15 newsletter, she wrote:

“In Congress last week, Democrats disregarded their obligation to provide real COVID relief to the American people and instead used this crisis to jam through partisan agenda items. The bill the Democrats forced through last week is not targeted, timely, nor tied to COVID. We need to focus on solving the critical issues at hand—getting vaccines to Americans, providing relief for our local restaurants and entertainment venues, and supporting those who have been seriously impacted by this pandemic.”

Really congresswoman?

If you took the time to read the $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan that you voted AGAINST (along with ALL Republicans), you’d understand just how much of yet another lie you are pushing on your constituents.

Let’s see:

  • VaccinesThe bill provides $20 billion for the purchase of coronavirus vaccines, $8 billion for vaccine distribution and $20 billion to assist states with coronavirus testing.
  • Unemployment benefits Extends existing $300 weekly unemployment benefit through Sept. 6; provides a tax break on $10,000 in unemployment benefits.
  • Stimulus checksSends $1,400 stimulus checks on top of the $600 payments issued through the previous stimulus bill passed in December. Individuals earning up to $75,000 per year and couples earning up $150,000 will get the benefit.
  • Child tax creditProvides $3,000 a year for each child ages 6 to 17, and $3,600 for each child under six.
  • Aid to state and local governments – Designates $350 billion for states, cities, tribal governments and U.S. territories.
  • Pandemic response – Allocates tens of billions of dollars to fund coronavirus testing and contact tracing, increasing the size of the public health workforce and funding vaccine distribution and supply chains.
  • School support – Provides almost $130 billion to help K-12 schools reopen by improving ventilation systems, reducing class sizes, buying personal protective equipment and implementing social distancing. Another $40 billion is designated for higher-education institutions.
  • Aid for multi-employer pension plans – Includes $86 billion to save failing pension plans.
  • Small business aidProvides more than $284 billion designated for forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans for small businesses, nonprofit organizations and independent restaurants, and eligibility for churches and faith-based organizations.
  • Stops evictionsExtends eviction moratorium until Jan. 31.
  • Working mothers Provides $10 billion for childcare assistance.

And so much more.

These highlights from the Washington Post make the point: like other Republicans, Wagner is intent on spreading the Big Lie in an effort to downplay the incredible benefits for average Americans, workers, children, families, schools, state and local governments and so much more.

I don’t care what your political party affiliation, this action is to save America, ALL Americans – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

Will someone please send the congresswoman a pair of reading glasses?

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