OPINION: Help Missouri Jobs with Justice fight for all of us. Donate today

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Missouri Jobs with Justice plays a vital role in helping workers here and nationally. This personal story of the Missouri organization explains why it has been so successful – because of its people and their dedication to doing what’s right. Help it continue. Consider a donation.)

Policy Director
Missouri Jobs with Justice

A FAMILY AFFAIR: Richard Von Glahn, wife Hilary Fischman with sons Michael, 7, and George, 9.

I have been a proud, dues-paying member of Missouri Jobs with Justice (MO JWJ) for 20 years now.

Way back then, I was a student at Wash. U. fighting for a living wage for our university staff. I knew every job had dignity and deserved a living wage – and I knew I couldn’t do it alone.

MO JWJ leaders supported our student group and helped win more than $2 million in increased wages and benefits for Wash. U. workers.

Not a bad start for a young troublemaker.

I next called upon the solidarity of MO JWJ as a union leader, organizing state employees across Missouri. Politicians in Jefferson City had drastically cut Medicaid services and attacked our right to collectively bargain. Once again, MO JWJ was with us, helping us negotiate the first collective bargaining contract in state history.

I am now celebrating my 10th year on the MO JWJ team.

I joined MO JWJ because of the enormity of Missouri’s challenges. I knew we needed something bigger and stronger to take on the fights in Jefferson City, on factory floors, and in every corner of our state.

Through these past 20 years, MO JWJ has been there every step of the way. Fighting to get money out of politics, raising wages, protecting unions and expanding Medicaid.

There is simply nothing else like JWJ in Missouri.

It has been my organizing home for two decades because it has always been there, no matter the fight. It has allowed me to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Teamsters and nurses, faith leaders and farmers, young activists and civil rights heroes.

For 20 years, I have donated monthly to make sure MO JWJ was there, not just for our community but for my family. I cannot imagine Missouri without JWJ, and I don’t want to. The power of MO JWJ has always taken all of us.

Will you join me as a member today to ensure MO JWJ is here to fight for Missourians for the next 20 years?

Your donation will help us win paid leave for all, an expanded safety net, and a voice at work for years to come.

In Solidarity,
The Von Glahn Family

CAN YOU HELP? Please make a tax deductible donation today so JWJ can continue to fight for everyone’s future. Go online to mojwj.org and choose “Donate” or “Become A Member.”


MO JWJ: works for us all

Missouri Jobs with Justice (MO JWJ) is a coalition of individual members and organizations throughout our state who are committed to building a powerful multi-racial movement to achieve social, racial, and economic justice for all.

We are working together to build a more just world where we can all thrive.

Real change happens from the ground up, in church basements and union halls, at community centers and on front porches. We believe that power is made up of organized people and organized money.

While the richest 1% and the politicians they bankroll work to divide us along racial, geographic, and economic lines, we must build power together. We are working to build a democracy, economy, and world that works for all of us – no exceptions.

To build Missouri we want to see and the Missouri our families deserve, become a Missouri Jobs with Justice Member by paying dues of no less than $5 a month.


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