Pat Austin, secretary-treasurer of OPEIU Local 13, retiring after 43 years with the union

Pat Austin, secretary-treasurer of Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 13, is retiring after 43 years with the union.

Sister Austin became a member of Local 13 in 1975, and in 1976 was appointed recording secretary. Between 1980 and 1994, she served as president/business representative, vice president and trustee.

She became the secretary-treasurer in 1994 and served as a vice president on the St. Louis Labor Council Executive Board from 1990 until 2000 and was active in the Labor Movement for many years.

“I cannot think of a more rewarding job than to help workers stand up for themselves and a have a say in their working conditions,” Austin said.

“My father and brother were union sheet metal workers. My grandmother was a waitress and a shop steward at Fred Harvey’s restaurant in Union Station and my maternal grandfather was a union Red Cap at Union Station.  My paternal grandfather was a union bus driver.

“I was raised to be a strong and independent women at a time when others discouraged it. My roots made me a strong supporter of the union Labor Movement and my parents were extremely proud of me.”

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