COVID-19 pandemic cancels Workers Memorial Day programs for St. Louis Labor Council and Madison County Federation of Labor

On April 28 each year, the Labor Movement observes Workers Memorial Day to remember workers killed or injured on the job and renew the fight for strong safety and health protections.

The annual observance is normally a time for remembrance and reflection, but this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, local observance programs have been cancelled

The Greater Madison County Federation of Labor’s Workers Memorial Program scheduled for April 28 at the Workers Memorial Site in Gordon Moore Park and the  St. Louis Labor Council’s Union Labor Mass and Interfaith Prayer Service May 3 at the Shrine of St. Joseph have both been cancelled.

“We didn’t have any fatalities this year, and we want to keep everybody safe, so we’re just canceling the whole thing and won’t be rescheduling it,” Dean Webb, president of the Madison County Federation said.

St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White, in an email to delegates, said “Due to the COVID-19 virus, for everyone’s safety, we are cancelling the Labor Mass and Brunch this year.  Please stay healthy and we will see you all next year.”


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