Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562, Murphy Company volunteer to help disabled homeowner in need

PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 562 and Murphy Company volunteers (from left) Andy Johnson Chad Boxdorfer, Tom Madden and Jordan Rotyk donated their Saturday before Christmas to assist a homeowner with needed repairs. – The Housing Partnership photo

Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562 volunteers and the Murphy Company recently partnered with The Housing Partnership to help a disabled homeowner in St. Louis County.

The Housing Partnership coordinated the Dec. 21 effort with Local 562 to help Laurie Foster, a disabled homeowner in need of plumbing repairs.

“I would not have been able to make these repairs on my own,” Foster said. “It is really special that these men came out on the weekend and are taking time away from being with their families to do this work. I really want to convey my gratitude to the union and the Murphy Company for their help with the plumbing repairs and material. I feel so blessed and grateful.”

This is the second volunteer initiative spearheaded by Tom Madden, a Housing Partnership board member and an active member of Local 562.

LOCAL 562 VOLUNTEER Andy Johnson works on repiping the kitchen sink. – The Housing Partnership photo

Local 562 volunteers and the Murphy Company provided the professional skills, materials and labor to make the needed repairs.

“This is an excellent example of how our union and a non-profit like The Housing Partnership can partner together to make a big difference in people lives,” Madden said.

Volunteers replaced the main plumbing stack, re-piped the kitchen waste and bathroom tub, installed a new ADA toilet, a frost proof spigot and changed the water piping from galvanized to copper piping.

Their effort resulted in a total donation of approximately $3,500.

VOLUNTEERS Andy Johnson (left) and Tom Madden (center), of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562, helped homeowner Laurie Foster (right) with necessary plumbing repairs that she couldn’t get done on her own. – The Housing Partnership photo

“All members of Local 562 are encouraged to volunteer in their neighborhoods and community. It is a large part of who we are as individuals and building trade union members,” Madden said.

“Getting involved with this project made me realize how important our neighborhoods and family are to all of us, especially at this time of year,” he said. “Reaching out and giving back makes it all worthwhile.”

A non-profit community development corporation, The Housing Partnership has provided residential development services, home buying assistance, and home repair for low and moderate-income citizens for more than 20 years. The home repair program helps those with limited incomes keep their homes in good livable condition, helping to stabilize the neighborhood in which they live. For more information, visit




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