Rockwood Labor Club endorses Meramec Valley R-III School District’s Prop E

The Rockwood Labor Club is endorsing Proposition E for Education on the Aug. 8 ballot. The measure would increase property taxes in the Meramec Valley R-III School District to help pay for salaries for teachers and support staff.

The district is proposing an operating levy increase of 56 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. This means the average annual tax increase for the owner of a $200,000 home would be approximately $18 per month, or $213 per year. The proposition needs a simple majority to pass.

The main goal of the tax increase is to engage students in high quality learning, activities, and programs while attracting and retaining high quality staff and essential workers for the students of MVR-III School District. The district hasn’t asked for an operating tax increase since 2004 – nearly 20 years ago.

While the community approved no-tax increase bond issues for the district in 2010, 2017, and 2021, those funds can only be used for capital projects, such as building, infrastructure, and equipment expenses. None of these bond proceeds could be used to enhance student programs and activities or fund staff salaries and benefits.

The Rockwood Labor Club learned about the ballot issue last week from district officials and is encouraging voters in Franklin, Jefferson and St. Louis County to support the measure.

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