RTW introduced again in Missouri House; sponsor brags: ‘work more for less money’

Rep Bill LantJefferson City – Merry Christmas from the Missouri Representative Bill Lant (R-Pineville): his present to Missouri workers – lower wages for longer hours worked. How’s that for a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking?

Rep. Lant was the first in line when legislators began introducing new bills for consideration next session with a right-to-work bill and a proud comment recorded by Digital News Service:

“In the states where right- to-work was passed recently, the hourly rates may have dropped two to three dollars an hour, but the amount of days per year that the workers actually got to put in on the job increased dramatically.”

So workers will get to work harder for less.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: He forgot to add that the average weekly wage of non-union workers is $191 a week LESS than union workers!)


Lant is not alone: Republicans in at least four other states – Wisconsin, New Mexico, New Hampshire and Ohio – have introduced or plan to introduce RTW bills in legislative sessions that will begin in January.

Legislators in Colorado, Kentucky, Montana and Pennsylvania are all likely to push similar laws, though worker-friendly Democratic governors will likely veto such measures.


“Any efforts to once again pass right-to-work legislation in Missouri would be moving Missouri in the wrong direction,” said Missouri AFL-CIO President Mike Louis.

“At a time when Missouri’s working families – union and non-union alike – are simply trying to survive, the Missouri legislature should be focusing on creating family-supporting jobs, not passing laws that put LESS money into workers’ paychecks and hurt their ability to support their families.

“The facts are clear,” Louis said. “RTW laws have proven over and over again, that they decrease wages and safety standards in the workplace. Frankly, Rep. Lant should be ashamed of himself.”

(Some information for this story from The Washington Post and Protect MO Families.)

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