Schupp calls out Wagner’s misleading ads, promises to deliver for Missourians

‘I don’t support defunding the police, and I don’t support Medicare For All.’

STATE SEN. JILL SCHUPP (D), who is challenging incumbent Republican Ann Wagner for Missouri’ 2nd District Congressional seat, has released an ad calling out the blatant lies in Wagner’s campaign ads that major media and fact checkers have called “false,” “misleading” and “distorted.”

Labor-endorsed 2nd District U.S. Congressional candidate Jill Schupp is calling out incumbent Republican Ann Wagner’s misleading and false ad claims with an ad of her own setting the record straight.

In the ad, State Senator Schupp (D-Creve Coeur) speaks directly to voters to give them the truth about her record, and how she’ll work for them as their representative.

Schupp’s record of delivering for Missourians and listening to constituents stands in stark contrast to Congresswoman Wagner’s blatant attempts to mislead voters and hide from accountability.

“Hardworking Missourians in the 2nd District deserve better,” said campaign spokesperson Natalie Edelstein. “Ann Wagner continues to intentionally misrepresent Senator Schupp’s record and dedicated service to Missouri families because her own record is too abysmal to discuss. Voters want a representative they can trust and come Election Day they will make their voices heard.”

Wagner’s ad on health care has been called “misleading” by KMOV4, and Daily Kos noted that the ad “falsely argues” Schupp’s health care stances.

These fact checks came after Congresswoman Wagner failed at her first attempt to smear Senator Schupp.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch said Wagner’s “attacks distort congressional challenger’s record on sex offender laws.” Politifact called her ad “Mostly False” and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board called the ad “deeply misleading.”

“The attacks Ann Wagner has launched against me have repeatedly been called false and misleading,” Schupp says in her own ad. “Here’s the truth: I don’t support defunding the police and I don’t support Medicare For All, but I do plan to deliver where Ann Wagner’s failed.

“I’ll protect people with pre-existing conditions, keep our communities safe from gun violence, and I’ll work with anyone to help us recover from COVID and restart our economy.

“I’m Jill Schupp,” the ad concludes, “and I approve this message because you deserve a representative you can trust.”


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