YOUR LETTERS: I’ll fight for fairness in the workplace


At a recent forum hosted by the Missouri NAACP, I confronted our appointed Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick about his support for school vouchers, opposition to Medicaid Expansion, and bad record on civil rights.

One notable exchange came on the topic of discrimination — in particular, his vote FOR a bill (SB 43) passed in 2017 that prevents a person from filing a lawsuit alleging discrimination in the workplace.

SB 43 not only changed the law about who can sue for discrimination, it legalized discrimination in an employment setting.

Fitzpatrick didn’t even remember voting for this bill; when pressed, he defended this vote by saying that “businesses can’t afford to defend lawsuits.” The NAACP flagged SB 43 as especially harmful — hearkening “back to the Jim Crow era” — and when it passed they felt compelled to issue a travel advisory for people of color visiting Missouri.

From the lack of diversity in the Treasurer’s Office to Fitzpatrick’s full-throated support of Betsy DeVos’s destructive agenda undermining public education, it is clear he is not fit to represent Missourians in this critical statewide office. People like Scott Fitzpatrick need to be shown the door.

We need a treasurer who protects and supports public education, fights discrimination and works for every Missourian.

Candidate, Missouri Treasurer
Endorsed by AFL-CIO


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