Sheet Metal Workers 36 receives special recognition for 23 years of support for St. Vincent Home for Children

Over $500,000 raised through golf tourney, plus host of donated work by members, contractors

WITH HEART AND SOUL, Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 members replace a metal roof on a St. Vincent Home for Children pavilion, first tearing off the old roof (left photo) and then replacing it (right photo). This volunteer effort was part of the union’s 23-year-long support of the children’s organization that includes an annual golf tournament that has raised over a half million dollars in addition to its contractors and members donating a host of repair services when needed. – Sheet Metal Local 36 photos

Although never expected, Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 has received special recognition in the 2020 Progress Report of the St. Vincent Home for Children, the charity Local 36 has championed with its annual golf tournament for the past 23 years, raising over $500,000.

And this year was special, notes the report, because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the inability to hold the tournament, instead of simply taking a pass, Local 36 reached out to the Labor Movement and business community to continue its unbroken support for this invaluable children’s resource.

As a result, some 31 unions and companies responded with $23,000 in donations (See story in May 25,2020 issue). The funding came in the nick of time. In its Progress Report the home noted that the COVID-10 pandemic exacerbated their resources resulting in an additional $160,000 in unanticipated expenses that Local 36’s efforts helped with.

In addition to raising funds, Local 36’s contractors have donated materials and Local 36 members have donated manpower for repair work on its facilities to include over the years replacing a metal roof on an outdoor pavilion as well as redoing all the guttering on the main building.

Responding to the special recognition, Local 36 President and Business Manager Ray Reasons said, “Like the entire Labor Movement, Local 36 is always ready to help organizations in need, and the St. Vincent’s home certainly deserves community support and has been special to Local 36 and our members, who are always front and center with their generosity.”

That generosity was noted on a special plaque St. Vincent’s presented to Local 36 on the 20th anniversary of the union’s support in 2017:

“Your devotion to our mission… has provided therapeutic counseling, interventions, life skills and crisis housing for St. Louis youth. You may never know who your donation touched or how a life was changed, but your hope and belief that these teens have a life worth saving make all the difference. Thank you for being an amazing partner.”

Local 36’s support was launched by now deceased Business Manager Ted Zlotopolski who grew up near the home and was familiar with its incredible efforts.

St. Vincent Home for Children is a residential treatment center that was founded in 1850 in response to a cholera epidemic and fire incident that left several children orphaned. It provides correctional and behavior modification services for children who suffer from emotional, behavioral, learning and psychiatric disabilities.

To do this, St. Vincent offers individualized treatment planning, crisis intervention and case management services. It specializes in individual, group and family therapies, as well as mental health assessment, medication administration, and nutritional and respite care services.

The center also provides treatment, transportation and clothing options, as well as personal care supplies as well as offering childcare and recreational and leisure opportunities.

All services are free of charge to clients and family. For more information, or to donate please visit


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