Show Me $15 celebrates 10-year anniversary of fast food workers striking for higher wages with ‘teach-ins’ at St. Louis-area eateries

ST. LOUIS – Show Me $15 celebrated the 10th anniversary of its campaign Nov. 30 when fast food workers in New York walked off the job and went on strike for higher wages and the right to form a union. To honor the milestone, the organization held “teach-ins” at St. Louis fast food restaurants where workers made history by going on strike for higher wages and worker safety and to oppose sexual harassment. Show Me $15 representatives talked about the benefits of joining a union inside the restaurants and the results of some of the strikes. Representatives were joined by Jobs with Justice and other labor allies at the stores, which included several McDonald’s and the Jimmy John’s at 1631 S. Broadway. Stanley Jackson, Show Me $15 community coordinator, said the action was meant to look at where the organization began and recommit itself to the struggle for dignity, respect, higher wages and union rights – Philip Deitch photo


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