St. Louis Labor Council urges participation in Rise Up for Heroes effort to recognize frontline workers

The St. Louis Labor Movement is enthusiastically endorsing the Rise Up For Heroes efforts to recognize our community’s front-line heroes for putting themselves in harm’s way to ensure essential services continue during this pandemic crisis.

In a letter to all area unions, St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White endorsed the Rise Up For Heroes call for St. Louisans to turn on their front porches each night at 7 p.m. to honor the many union members, and those not in unions, working on the front line of the crisis, nurses, doctors, fire fighters, EMTs, police officers, food workers, pharmacists, cleaners, food service workers and others.

White urged all unions in St. Louis to contact their members for support, to include talking to their neighbors, and considering a donation to the Rise Up for Heroes COVID-19 Response Fund at to support efforts to help others in our community.

This current call mirrors the Labor Council’s long-standing effort to support union families in crisis through the Labor Movement’s “$5 for the Fight Fund.” Since the Fund’s creation in 1996, unions and thousands of union members have donated almost $2 million to help their union brothers and sisters who are either out of work or facing financial hardships.

“We are pleased to stand with the community in support of our front-line workers who, during this crisis, are putting the community’s needs in front of their own. That’s the mark of a real hero,” White said.


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