Steelworkers formally endorse CJ Baricevic



Illinois Correspondent

Granite City, IL – Saying “Baricevic stands with us, Bost let us down,” the United Steelworkers of America have endorsed CJ Baricevic for Congress in the Illinois 12th congressional district over the incumbent, Mike Bost.

The Steelworkers have thousands of members in the district, including those employed at Granite City Steel, where Baricevic worked with a crew of steamfitters to help pay for law school at Southern Illinois University.

“The hard-working families of the 12th district will have no greater champion in Congress than CJ Baricevic,” said Dan Simmons, president of Local 1899. “The United Steelworkers strongly endorse CJ Baricevic because CJ will stand up for American jobs – not for shipping our jobs overseas. Unlike Congressman Bost, who voted for Fast Track Authority for the Trans-Pacific trade deal, CJ Baricevic has consistently opposed unfair trade deals because they ship American jobs abroad and lower wages here at home.”

Jason Chism, president of Local 50, also spoke up for Baricevic, the Democratic nominee.

“Having worked at Granite City Steel, CJ Baricevic is one of us. And on the crucial issue of trade, CJ Baricevic stands with us. We can count on CJ to oppose trade deals that would ship our jobs abroad.,” Chism said.

“To create good paying jobs, CJ supports tax credits to strengthen manufacturing, investing in infrastructure to rebuild our roads, bridges, and ports, and supports investment in new industries,” Chism added.

Baricevic said he was honored and humbled to have the support of the Steelworkers.

“We have the best workers in the world,” he said. “We owe our workers and their families an even playing field when it comes to trade so they can compete and succeed. In Congress, the working families of this district can count on me to fight for them.”


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