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Tag: Trump administration

FLRA orders trial on union-busting charges at Education Department

Washington – The Federal Labor Relations Authority has ordered a hearing into 14 charges of Labor law violations brought by the American Federation of...

17,000 workers impacted by Trump administration’s suspension of union elections...

The Trump National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) suspension of union elections for a two-week period at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted nearly...

Trump assault on union bargaining intensifies

USDA workforce has few options as agency refuses to bargain Ten thousand workers at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will be forced to...

OPINION: U.S. offshore tax haven corporations still getting pandemic federal loans

By FRANK CLEMENTE The Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic has been a disaster with over 110,000 Americans dead and two million having contracted the...

SURPRISE! Tax Cuts and Jobs Act delivered big for rich and...

But Trump’s broken promises are hurting American families. As the Trump administration’s much hyped Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) – a plan that was...

Trumka on ‘New NAFTA’: ‘Close is not good enough’

By MARK GRUENBERG Baltimore, MD – AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is warning both the GOP Trump administration and workers’ allies on Capitol Hill that “close...

New overtime rule leaves millions of workers behind

The Trump administration’s new rule on overtime is based on the notion someone making $35,568 doesn’t need or deserve overtime. Last week, the U.S. Department...

ONE MAN’S VIEW: Trump administration says states can’t protect residents’ health

Double talk and double standards are the coin of the realm in the Trump Administration. The latest example of that is the Trump administration’s effort...

Don’t be fooled by Trump administration’s Labor Day pitch on overtime...

Soon, the Labor Department under the Trump administration will release its final rule on worker overtime. They may have already done it. Rumor was...

OPINION: The Trump administration wants to make it easier to fire...

By IAN MILLHISER Thirty years ago, in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, the Supreme Court held that “sex stereotyping” is forbidden by a federal law banning...