Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis workers picket to secure paid sick leave

St. Louis – Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (BMWED-IBT) members from the Terminal Railroad Association (TRRA) of St. Louis joined together May 17 to demand annual paid sick leave for employees on the Class III railroad.

BMWED members on the freight rail carrier staged an informational picket at TRRA corporate headquarters at 1017 S. Olive St., St. Louis, and at Busch Stadium ahead of the Cardinals game to advocate for paid sick days as has become the industry standard following last year’s near national strike on America’s freight railroads.

Railroad workers play a crucial role in keeping the nation’s transportation system running smoothly. However, despite their essential contributions, too many workers in the industry lack access to a basic necessity – paid sick leave, putting their health, the health of their families, and the safety of the entire industry at risk.

The BMWED-IBT is urging TRRA to recognize the importance of providing paid sick leave for their employees. Since the last round of bargaining ended with the union dragging rail management through the halls of Congress to obtain annual paid sick time off, most of this country’s freight railroads (including BNSF, Union Pacific, CSX, Norfolk Southern, and others) have conceded that the union members are indeed justified in their request.

The key demands include:

  • Paid Sick Leave: A fair and comprehensive paid sick leave policy that takes into account the unique challenges and demands of the railroad industry (outside work, travel, weather, stress, physical toll, etc.).
  • Health and Dignity: Acknowledge the right of every worker to access paid sick leave without fear of retribution, ensuring their health and dignity are prioritized.
  • Transparent Policies: Provide clear and transparent information about sick leave policies, eligibility criteria, and the process for requesting sick leave without penalty.

The BMWED-IBT is a national Union representing approximately 28,000 railroad track workers nationwide on all the biggest Class I freight rail carriers and many commuter roads including Amtrak. It believes that every employee deserves fair treatment, including access to essential benefits like paid sick leave.

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