Tri-County Labor Club donates raffle winnings to Girls & Boys Club

In a move typical of the generosity of our Labor unions and union members, the Tri-County Labor Legislative Club, which won the $2,000 First Place raffle drawing fundraiser by the Gene Slay’s Girls and Boys Club, made the generous decision to:

  • Donate $1,000 back to the Club to continue its support of hundreds of girls and boys each year in a program that combines education, creativity, mentorship and sports designed to help the youngsters in their most formative years.
  • Donate $1,000 to the $5 for the Fight Fund that goes to help union families in need

“Our officers responded immediately when we heard of the winning that the money needs to go where it’s needed most and will do the most good,” said Club President Steve Bailey.

He praised the Slay’s Girls and Boys Club for their incredible support of so many children and the Council’s $5 for the Fight Fund that has helped, and continues to help, so many union families in their times of crisis.

“We are extremely grateful to the Labor Club for their thoughtfulness and generosity,” said President Andy Blassie whose late father, Joe Blassie, was a well-known and loved veteran member of Meat, Deli & Seafood Local 88. “The unions have always stepped up and supported our boys and girls programs and for that, we are most grateful.”


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