Trish Gunby gets first union endorsement in 2nd Congressional District race

The first union endorsement in the crowded Democratic 2nd Congressional District primary goes to State Rep. Trish Gunby. Organized Labor has not yet made a formal endorsement in the race; however, the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters has thrown its endorsement behind Gunby to defeat anti-worker incumbent Republican incumbent Ann Wagner.

“The women and men of the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters (MSCFF) are pleased to support your campaign and we hope to see you continue representing our voice in our nation’s Capital,” the MSCFF said in a statement announcing the endorsement.

“The members of our Association are honored to protect the communities we serve, and we believe you will represent Missouri’s 2nd District with the same commitment and pride. Throughout your term as State Representative, you have proven to be a tenacious advocate and friend of first responders throughout the state and we know you will continue that commitment in Washington.”

Other registered candidates in the Democratic primary to date are businessman Ben Samuels and Ray Reed, who served on former Gov. Jay Nixon’s policy team and as party affairs organizer for the Missouri Democratic Party.


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