UAW VP Estrada Charity Fund donates $10K to Gene Slay’s Boys Club

Boys Club NewThe Cynthia Estrada Charity Fund recently donated $10,000 to help support the broad-based programming of the Gene Slay’s Boys Club, one of the community’s premier clubs empowering boys and girls with activities, programs and tools to help them escape the cycles of poverty.

Now in its 86th year, the Boys Club serves some 6,000 card-holding members, sports league participants and visiting boys and girls a year.

Presenting the check before a crowd of excited boys is UAW Region 5 Director Gary Jones (at right) and UAW Midwest State CAP Council President Nick Robinson (second from right, partially obscured). Accepting the check from UAW is (from left) club Executive Director Prescott Benson  and Director of Development Robert Puricelli. Estrada is Vice President and Director of the UAW’s General Motors Department, the first woman and first Latina to serve in that role.

– Gene Slay Boys Club photo

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