Union-friendly Musick Construction recognizes heroes at Mercy Hospital South with sign display

HEROES WORK HERE: Clyde Schwartz, a Musick Construction employee and union carpenter, puts the finishing touches on a display recognizing staff at Mercy Hospital South for providing excellent care to the community during the coronavirus pandemic. – Mercy South Hospital photo

Staff members at Mercy Hospital South are being recognized with beautiful, heartfelt messages on their campuses in the St. Louis area: HEROES WORK HERE.

The displays, provided by union-friendly Musick Construction, went up at the end of March to thank the staff for providing excellent care to the community during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Check out our new sign, courtesy of Musick Construction, recognizing our heroes,” Mercy South shared on its Facebook page March 27. “Thanks to all of our caregivers for their hard work.”

Musick is a St. Louis-based company with over 100 years of experience in the construction industry. It has a regular presence on Mercy campuses and employs union carpenters and laborers.

“One of our staff members came up with the idea after seeing something similar at other hospitals in the region,” said Scott Borman, vice president and project director at Musick Construction. “The pandemic has created a lot of stress for our caregivers, and we wanted to do what we could to show our gratitude.”

Borman said the signs have been well-received, and the company is considering adding similar signs at other Mercy campuses in upcoming weeks.

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