Union sisters to lobby for state’s working women at Missouri Capitol March 8

MO AFL-CIO event coincides with International Women’s Day

Jefferson City – Join your union sisters March 8 for Women’s Lobby Day at the Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City to bring the issues that matter to Missouri’s working women to state legislators.

The event, hosted by the Missouri AFL-CIO, coincides with International Women’s Day and runs from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Participants will meet in Hearing Room 2 in the Capitol’s basement for a continental breakfast.

Afterward, they will meet with State Senator Gina Walsh (D-Bellefontaine Neighbors), a retired member of Heat and Frost Insulators Local 1 who is also president of the Missouri State Building & Construction Trades Council; and House Democratic Leader Gail McCann-Beatty (D-Kansas City) to discuss issues facing Missouri’s working women and take their message to state senators and representatives.

“With so much going on in Jefferson City, it’s important that our voices, the voices of Missouri women, are heard,” said Merri Berry, Missouri AFL-CIO political director and campaign coordinator. “I’d encourage anyone interested to attend and celebrate International Women’s Day with the solidarity of union sisterhood.”

The event is open to any union member who would like to attend.  For more information or to RSVP, contact Berry at merriberry@moaflcio.org or 314-420-8095.

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