United Auto Workers Region 5 General Motors steps up for Slay’s girls, boys

DONATING TO HELP KIDS, United Auto Workers Region 5 recently presented two checks totaling $8,500 to support the extensive youth development programs of the Gene Slay’s Girls & Boys Club of St. Louis; $5,500 from UAW Region 5 and $3,000 from the General Motors Center for Human Resources. Presenting the checks last as part of their ongoing support for the club were (back row) UAW Region 5 Director Gary Jones (second from left), Assistant Director Vance Pearson (left) and Political Director Nick Robinson (at right) to Club Executive Director Prescott Benson as the kids show their enthusiastic appreciation. Region 5 covers 17 states in the western and southwestern United States: Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Alaska, Washington and Hawaii. Region 5 members work in the auto parts, aerospace, and beverage container industries.  – Labor Tribune photo

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