United Steelworkers union endorses Biden

PRESIDENT BIDEN has secured the endorsement of the United Steelworkers in his reelection bid for his policies in support of working families. The endorsement was announced March 20, one week after Biden declared his opposition to the sale of U.S. Steel to Japan-based Nippon Steel. – United Steelworkers photo


Illinois Correspondent

United Steelworkers has endorsed President Joe Biden one week after he declared his opposition to the sale of U.S. Steel to Japan-based Nippon Steel.

USW announced its endorsement March 20.

“President Biden proved time and again during his first term that he stands with working families,” said USW International President David McCall. “His vision and leadership allowed our nation to strengthen workers’ access to collective bargaining, grow the middle class, and embark on a path to widespread prosperity.”

The union’s endorsement followed a months-long process that included surveying USW members about their priorities and a detailed questionnaire to prospective candidates in both parties about key issues affecting working people.

“Our members told us that they value retirement security, affordable health care and labor laws that support our ability to form unions and negotiate strong contracts,” McCall said. “President Biden’s record on all these issues speaks for itself. He also laid out a strong plan for building on this momentum well into the future.”

McCall said Biden’s leadership has revitalized the Department of Labor and National Labor Relations Board, as well as passing pro-worker legislation like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act.

“Workers and their families are more secure than they were four years ago, thanks to President Biden’s leadership,” McCall said. “From infrastructure to retirement security, international trade to safer workplaces, President Biden got the job done. We’re honored to back him as he runs for reelection.”

Biden’s decision to publicly oppose the Nippon sale before the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States finishes its evaluation was unusual, and risked a backlash from the business community and U.S. allies overseas. The $15 billion offer has met with criticism in Washington on both sides of the aisle, and rival bidder Cleveland Cliffs has indicated it is still willing to step in if the Nippon deal falls apart – but at slightly more than half Nippon’s offer.

When Biden called for U.S. Steel to remain domestically owned and operated, USW welcomed his support, as they have repeatedly voiced dissent at the Nippon sale.

“Allowing one of our nation’s largest steel manufacturers to be purchased by a foreign-owned corporation leaves us vulnerable when it comes to meeting both our defense and critical infrastructure needs,” McCall said at the time. “The president’s statements should end the debate: U.S. Steel must remain domestically owned and operated. President Biden told USW members he has our backs, and there’s no question that he meant it.”

Locally, the Granite City steel mill is affected by the proposed sale. Workers are already laid off after U.S. Steel opted to idle the mill’s blast furnaces.

The USW represents 850,000 workers in metals, mining, rubber and other industries. It now joins the AFL-CIO, United Auto Workers and other national unions that have endorsed Biden over GOP challenger Donald Trump, who is the presumptive Republican nominee. Teamsters International has spoken with both candidates but has not yet endorsed a candidate.

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