Volunteer at home to help elect Nicole Galloway the next governor of Missouri

If you want to help change the direction of Missouri to be a more progressive, worker-friendly state, here’s how: volunteer to help elect Nicole Galloway our next governor.

You can do it from the comfort of your home.

The Galloway campaign is seeking volunteers to spend an hour or so a week at home either calling or texting potential voters. And they will provide training and all the necessary know how.

“Talking directly with voters, whether over the phone or over texting, is one of the most effective ways to tell folks about their voting options and Nicole’s vision for Missouri,” notes Chris Sloan, Galloway’s campaign manager.

To volunteer to help Galloway, visit https://secure.ngpvan.com/AIiTovGVrkuat5hTq_iDPg2.

Volunteers also are needed to help stop the attacks on workers and working families in the Missouri Legislature.

Jobs With Justice (JwJ) is seeking volunteers to ensure our voices are heard on election day, and there are many ways to volunteer without putting yourself at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Volunteers are needed for:

  • Phone Banking from home.
  • Text Banking from home.
  • Sharing updates and actions from MO JwJ on social media and/or email.
  • Sharing your story of how this crisis is impacting you.

To sign up as a JwJ volunteer, visit https://actionnetwork.org/forms/taking-action-in-the-face-of-covid-19.

JwJ Policy Director Richard von Glahn, in a recent email to volunteers, said the outrageous attacks on workers and working families  in the Missouri Legislature are still on the Republican agenda:

  • Lower wages for workers who support our children in Missouri’s private and religious school.
  • Forcing workers to use severance pay they earned before being eligible for unemployment benefits.
  • Adding barriers to the right to file an initiative petition.
  • Giving the Secretary of State greater power to block or manipulate petitions.

And then there’s Amendment 3 (Dirty Missouri), the Republican effort to overturn the vote of 1.4 Missourians who passed the 2018 Clean Missouri ballot initiative and replace it with a measure that would enshrine partisan gerrymandering of legislative districts in the Missouri Constitution.

Volunteer to stop the dirty tricks at: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/taking-action-in-the-face-of-covid-19.


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