AFL-CIO releases new ad: ‘We are winning’

The AFL-CIO launched a television ad campaign this week highlighting the wave of collective action sweeping the country. From union organizing victories to the defeat of Prop A (“right-to-work”) in Missouri, working people are on the rise.

As AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka puts it, “Something is happening in America…. When we stand together, we have the power.”

Working people are tearing down a broken status quo to advance our movement, build a fairer economy and usher in a more just society.

Here are just a few of the recent wins the Labor Movement has secured in that fight:

• 262,000 working people joined unions last year—three-quarters of them younger than 35.

• Pro-worker candidates were elected in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Alabama and states across the country.

• Prop A “right-to-work” was voted down by two-thirds of Missouri voters, including as many as half of Republicans who voted.

• The New York Times declared that the wind is at Labor’s back, and even the corporate-centric Wall Street Journal warned CEOs that unions are on the march.

• Labor unions’ approval rating has risen to 61 percent, the highest in nearly 15 years.

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