What determines our pay topic of Oct. 9 Labor Law Breakfast

Dr. Jake Rosenfeld, a Washington University associate professor and author of What Unions No Longer Do, will share his latest research into what determines our pay at the Oct. 9 Labor Law Breakfast.

Specifically, Rosenfeld will discuss how unions affect the pay of the non-union workforce and the roles in how pay secrecy policies impact compensation rates.

The event will be held at IBEW Local 1439 Hall, 2121 59th St., in St. Louis. Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m., followed by the presentation from 8:30-9:30 a.m.

The Labor Law Breakfast Series, sponsored by the University of Missouri Extension St. Louis County, is held on the second Wednesday of each month. The cost is $20 per person.

To register, contact Amy Armstrong at 314-400-7632 or register online at extension2.missouri.edu/events/labor-law-breakfast-2019.


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