ONE MAN’S VIEW: Where’s the heart America used to be known for?

In what has to be one the most callous, offensive efforts yet of the Trump administration, a move that will seriously hurt the health of millions of Americans, the president has ordered a massive cut in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) outreach program to help people get health care.

Willing to let America’s health care “implode” by starvation because he failed to get a total repeal of Obamacare, the president’s Department of Health & Human Services quietly  announced last week it would cut the outreach program from $100 million to $10 million.

Instead of working with Democrats to improve Obamacare’s shortcomings, and yes, there are shortcomings as would be expected in implementing a new nation-wide program of this magnitude, the Republicans in Congress are willing to let millions of Americans suffer the lack of health care simply to score a political victory – let the program fail and then we’ll force everyone to consider an alternative.

The marketing dollars are used to hire staff to educate, encourage and help people understand their state’s health care marketplace with the goal of ensuring Americans looking for affordable coverage know all the options available to them.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) hit the nail on the head: “The Trump Administration’s cynical effort to lower enrollment will create chaos in the health marketplaces and increase premiums for millions of American families.” And sure enough, with the uncertainty of health care’s future, insurance companies have raised premiums and, in some cases, have withdrawn from states.

This on top of President Trump’s newest debacle — the threat of deporting 800,000 undocumented youngsters (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – DREAMERS) brought to America as children and who were promised they could stay if they continued their education or joined the military and stayed out of trouble. For most, this is the only home they’ve ever known.

In less than a year of the Trump presidency, the soul of America has already been ripped apart with Trump’s embracing of Nazis and the KKK.

Now our heart is about to go as well?


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