YOUR LETTERS: Biden’s ‘Buy American’ executive order will boost economy

The concept of Buy American is simple: Our tax dollars should be used to create jobs and advance production here at home.

For far too long, America’s workers have suffered as many corporations wrap themselves in the American flag and simultaneously seek out loopholes to qualify for Buy American status with foreign-made products.

The Trump administration used the right words but never put in place policies to affect meaningful change. This executive order will close loopholes that allow agencies to sidestep Buy American requirements and increase the thresholds for domestic content.

We know that when America’s workers are given a level playing field, we can compete with anyone. This order is a good first step in revitalizing U.S. manufacturing, which Trump’s policies failed to do over the past four years.

As we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, we will work with the Biden administration to pursue policies that will build a stronger, fairer economy with a robust manufacturing base, and this executive order is an important piece of that strategy.

AFL-CIO President

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